Unfortunately, I have realized how close we are to the end. There is a little over a month left before the Pharmacology program concludes and my time in New Orleans comes to a close. It's fair to say that I am saddened by this realization and am hoping to maximize the time that I have left in the city..
I am currently in the Rudolph Matas library studying for the second to last Cell Control exam and thinking about how to prepare for my Endocrine Pharmacology presentation. This last homestretch will include vigorous focus on my final courses, frequently attending the Ozanam Inn and indulging in the Nola activities that I have yet to explore.
As far as volunteering, I am continuously pleased to be assisting at the Ozanam Inn. The new group of temporary workers on-site are very sweet. We have quickly become friends despite, our large age differences in some. Many of these men are former prisoners who are excited to re-integrate into society. They have expressed a fondness for this program, and rightfully so: the Ozanamm Inn provides spiritual guidance, physical checkups and nourishment for these men. In addition, the smiles and helping hands of all of the workers (and volunteers like myself) provide a vibrant and accepting atmosphere.
I can't wait to continue spending time with these individuals and relieving them of their stressful duties.
Total hours this month: 14
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