Wednesday, October 26, 2016


It's nearing the end of October in Nola. Just like my home town of Weston, Florida, there are barely any signs of seasonal shift. There were two cold days in New Orleans and I felt proud to don boots and my thick sweater. Other than that, there are no leaf color changes and the only pumpkin was one outside of my cheery neighbor's apartment door.

We are close the last exams of the fall semester. I am currently writing from the library studying for the Renal block exam. It is quite interesting to know that the kidneys are affiliated with hypertension- I was not previously aware of that. Tomorrow will be one of our last problem-based learning sessions for the 2016 year. I am looking forward to sharing ideas and diagnosing the fictional patients that my group and I will encounter.

This month I have volunteered twice at the New Orleans Science and Mathematics Charter High School. The children were mainly focused on their science fair projects, and thus did not need that much assistance. While in the biology classroom, I made sure to always look open and provide for fresh perspectives on their chosen topic, or potential ideas. Even if I am not always able to tutor a student one-on-one, it is beneficial for them to take advantage of an extra science resource other than their teacher.

As I do live in the Central Business District and rely on the shuttle, I am looking forward to committing to another volunteer program closer to me. Being able to split my time between the Science High School, and a charity in my area, would allow me be of use to as many New Orleanians as possible. My main goal in New Orleans (aside from academics) is to take advantage of philanthropic opportunities whenever I have free time. I'm excited to see what volunteering opportunities I will embark on next!

Total hours volunteered this month: 5